Water Conservation
Community Activities
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Artist Savannah Jensen, Grade 3 and Artist Lucy Grothe, Grade 4 the 2017 Coyote Valley Elementary Jog a Thon Art Winners!! This year's artwork will be used for our "One Water" Campaign Stickers.
Saving Water Resources
Please join us become a “water watcher” by keeping an eye out to ensure that water is being used effectively.
Just like at your home, sometimes your neighbors or government facilities have a broken sprinkler or are watering the concrete instead of greenery without being aware of the problem. If you see water being wasted at a state facility, please visit Save Our Water and fill out the state-facilities waste form to alert state managers to the issue.
If you are reporting inefficient watering at a locally-owned business, local park, private residence, or another non state-owned property, please contact the local water district If you are reporting inefficient water use at city-owned or county-owned properties, please contact either city hall or the board of supervisors respectively. (Lake County Sheriff's Office)
Hidden Valley Lake Community Services District thank you for participating in our "Water Conservation Program" by using our water conservation and maintenance tip guide.
View Water Conservation Tip GuideAll Californians should conserve water.
Find out how at: http://drought.ca.gov/
California Water Efficiency Partnership
Community Conservation
Hidden Valley Lake CSD takes pride in showcasing our water conservation solutions. The District's main office at 19400 Hartmann Road has a drought tolerant landscaping. The plants chosen need little water and are extremely resilient. A variety of plants are marked with a plaque that displays both the common and botanical name.
Resources on irrigation, soil preparation, and plant lists are available on request at our District office. Stop by to receive our brochure on "Planting Your Drought Tolerant Garden."
2017 Spring has Sprung

Coyote Valley 2014
Coyote Valley Elementary School Jog-a-Thon event on October 17, 2014 promoted "Reduce the Use" to develop ideas for a t-shirt drawing contest to be displayed on participants t-shirts the day of the event. The contest winner was Calire Hamilton, a fourth grader from Ms. Martinelli's class. Congratulations Claire! Along with the t-shirt contest, each student and their family pledged to conserve water. The pledges and Claire's artwork are displayed in the Administration Office lobby at 19400 Hartmann Road.
View Claire's drawing